Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We're here to help!

Dear Viewer,

We're new and we're here for you - the consumer.
All you need to do is click on our ads and we will reward you for your purchase.

Yep, its as simple as that.

Buy through any of the links that we advertise in each blog section on our site and we will reward you in either Marks & Spencer, Tesco or Sainsbury's vouchers.

We will validate your purchase with the necessary store and once confirmed will send you a voucher of your choice.

All you need to do is click on the link and go ahead and purchase - in order to speed up the payment process to you - send us an email (at dregrouplimited@gmail.com) to tell us your details - name, address, purchase made, value of purchase, vendor and we will validate your claim that bit quicker and process your voucher(s) - simple as that.